Monday 17 December 2012


Welcome to my new blog to keep track of my 2013. I'm guessing that those of you reading this (assuming anyone is!) already know me so I won't bore you with an introduction of myself. The bit you might not know about me though is that this year I did a few triathlons. Now, I know I'm not the best at them and I'm definitely not going to be challenging the Brownlee brothers but I enjoy doing them and it makes going to the gym a bit more interesting when there is a reason for the training. I enjoyed them so much in fact that I am now a member of the Newport and East Wales Triathlon Club or N.E.W.T and want to do more triathlons in 2013.

So what is my challenge for 2013? Well having made the decision to carry on doing triathlons in 2013 I thought it would be a good idea to try and raise a few pounds for charity.  I then decided that if I was going to ask people to sponsor me, I might as well do something different, something challenging, something big and something I’d never done before.  Now I know this is a slight contradiction because a lot of the events I will be doing in 2013 I have done before so what’s different?  Well, firstly this will be the first time I will have done all these things in the same year and many of them will happen close together so it will be tough.  To be honest, I’m not sure if I will be able to do everything I want to but I’ll give it a damn good go!  Secondly, the “new” events for me in 2013 are quite big things, 2 half marathons and 2 Ironman 70.3 triathlons.  One of these on their own would be a big challenge but like I said, I wanted 2013 to be big and challenging so why not all 4!

Now you know what I plan to do I’d better tell you who I’m doing it for.  The charity I will be raising money for is the St. David’s Foundation.  I have done a few different things to raise money for them in the last couple of years and wanted to carry this on in 2013.  It also means I can do the Newport half marathon and their various bike rides and raise money for them all in one go rather than asking people for 4 or 5 different sponsorships throughout the year.

Just a quick note about the list on the left.  The wish list are for events that I’m planning to do but aren’t available for registration yet but once they are, I’ll be signing up!  The only exception is the London Ride 100 which is a ballot entry so fingers crossed I’ll get a space.  If I don’t I’ll be changing it for something else.  Also, I’m still open to doing other events so this definitely isn’t the finished thing.

So there we are, that’s the big plan for 2013.  I’ll be using this blog kind of like a diary with how the training is going, what events I have signed up for and how they go when I finally get to do them.  Thanks for reading.

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