Sunday 30 June 2013

The Half Way Point

So, today marked the halfway point of this challenge and there was a slight change of plan to go with it!  Due to a problem with the water for the swim, the race today was changed from a triathlon to a duathlon.  For those of you not familiar with it, a duathlon is in three stages but only consists of 2 disciplines so there is a run stage, a bike stage and finally a second run stage.  This meant that today’s distances were a 3.1 mile run, 35 mile bike ride and a 6.2 mile run to finish off.  This was a new experience for me and isn’t something I have trained for.  It also meant a double helping of my weakest and least favourite of the three disciplines.  That coupled with the hot but windy conditions (I know that sounds like a bit of a contradiction but it was like that I promise!) meant it was a very difficult day.  I’ll be totally honest and say that whilst I’m glad I’ve now done a duathlon, I don’t have any intention to do a second.  Coming off the bike I felt completely drained so the final run was very difficult and also very slow.  I’m sure the weather conditions played a part in that but none the less; I can’t imagine doing one again.  On a positive side though this was a race that the club used to get a many people as possible to attend and despite a slightly reduced number due to the swim cancellation it was nice for me to be racing with so many familiar faces and that aspect I really enjoyed.

It’s on to the next one now which is just the small matter of a 101 mile bike ride on Saturday which should be interesting.  I’m hoping for a dry but cool day but as long as the wind stays down, I’ll be happy!  I haven’t got a photo from the finish line today because by the time I’d finished and recovered enough to want a photo taken, the line had been taken down (yes, I was that slow!).  Instead though, here is a photo of my little memento from today, my sunburnt arm with the only white parts being where my race number was written on in permanent marker.  Now surely me having to walk around for the next few days at least is worth a pound at least!

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