Saturday 13 April 2013

My First Sportive

My first experience of a cycling sportive was a mixed one to say the least.  The day started nice and early with the event kicking off at 7:30.  Having checked the weather forecast last night, I knew that there was rain expected around 10 o’clock so the plan was to get away with the first group to give me as much time as possible in the dry.  The plan almost worked, I didn’t get away until just after 7:45 which didn’t really matter because I was going to get wet either way.  The ride in general was a really nice one.  There were no really massive climbs (there was one 25% gradient but it was so wet and greasy when we got there that the majority of us had to walk it!).  There were however lots of undulating roads with some fantastic sweeping descents and also some long, exposed straights.  There really was a mix of more or less everything you could want.  The one big problem though was the weather.  As predicted, the rain started to come down around 10 o’clock and was quite heavy (or at least it seemed like it!) for a lot of the time.  It was also very windy for the majority of the day, which was great when it was pushing me along but unfortunately for me, most of the time it was pushing me back!
Despite this, the first half of the ride went swimmingly (no pun intended!) but as soon as I hit the half way mark, I noticed that the back end of my bike seemed a bit bouncy.  I pulled over and sure enough, I had a puncture.  The is the first time I’d had a puncture during something other than a training ride and was also the first one I’d had on my road bike.  Now whilst I’ve been very lucky to go a year without one, I was gutted that it happened during the sportive and it did cost me because it took me a little longer than normal to change so I cooled down and found it hard work getting going again.  This had a knock on effect for the next 10 or 15 miles but I’m pleased that I got through it and finished the event.  That wasn’t the only thing to happen between the 40 and 55 mile mark; sadly, I saw the bad side of cycling.

I LOVE riding my bike.  It’s what got to into triathlons in the first place and I guess is therefore the reason for me doing all these events this year.  The thing is though, despite my enthusiasm, I’m not the best or indeed the quickest cyclist in the world.  Unusually as well for a cyclist, I’m not very confident cycling in a group, especially when I’m surrounded with people I don’t know and have never ridden with before and the one thing that makes me the most nervous is having someone on my wheel.  For those of you not into cycling, this is when some rides right behind you so take advantage of your slip stream.  The bad side that I referred to was when someone was on my wheel up a hill and then when I approached a slower cyclist in front; I slowed down behind them as I was unable to overtake with this other person overlapping my rear wheel.  Said person then decided to give me a mouthful of foul and abusive language because I didn’t pull out and over take.  The truth is, I wasn’t comfortable having him on my wheel and I certainly wasn’t willing to tire myself out providing a slip stream for a complete stranger.  The bit about this that upset me was his aggression.  Cycling’s profile and popularity has improved greatly in the last few years and there are now far more cyclists (of varying ability) out and about now.  Shouting and swearing doesn’t do anyone any good at all.  I don’t think I did anything wrong but if I did and he had pointed it out to me like a grown up, I would have taken the advice and even thanked him for taking the time to give me some advice.  I hope that in the same situation again, this is what the person behind me would do.  Maybe this way, cycling can get rid of its stigma of being a bit elitist and cliquey but instead seen as a sport open and accessible to all.
Anyway, I’ll get off me soap box now!  Despite the weather and the events of just after half way, I managed to make it around and even though I was soaked through (despite my new rain jacket and overshoes) I’m glad I did it and I guess I did enjoy it!
So part 4 of the challenge is done.  The next part is the Wye Valley Warrior sportive which will be a different animal all together with it being longer and hillier.  Let’s just hope for some nice weather for it!
Finally, before I forget, I’ve had to change one of my events.  I’m unable to do the Little Woody triathlon in August so I have replaced it with the Cotswold Classic triathlon earlier on in August.  The mileage is the same so in effect nothing has really changed but just wanted you all to be kept up to date!

Now that I’ve got sponsorship forms, the names and the money is starting to build up so a big thank you to everyone who has sponsored me already.  If you haven’t already but would like to you can either see me for the sponsorship form or go to

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